We produce two main groups of zinc alloys:
O u r p r o d u c t s a r e e x c l u s i v e l y m a n u f a c t u r e d f r o m 9 9 . 9 9 5 % p r i m a r y S H G z i n c .
Our die casting alloys are available in standard ingots (for manual feeding) or claw end ingots (for automatic feeding); supplied on metal stools or on wooden pallets according to customer requirements.
Our metal stools are designed to enable easy handling by hand-driven forklifts.

Our galvanizing alloys are available as jumbo blocks (2 tonnes, 1 tonne, ½ tonne),
or small ingots.
A New Zinc Alloy Mazak 7+
We produce the new high fluidity Zinc die-casting alloy for thin section die-castings. Developed through the International Lead Zinc Research Organisation. The new alloy has up to 40% increased fluidity over conventional zinc alloys allowing wall thicknesses of as little as 0.3mm, giving high strength castings with reduced weight, with minimal change in mechanical properties.Please see ilustration below:
The new alloy has been used at die-casters in the U.K., Germany and China with excellent results.