Originally MAZAK was part of the Rio Tinto Zinc Company with headquarters in Australia. Rio Tinto was globally active in exploration, mining, smelting and the production of many metals and alloys. Later the company was owned by Pasminco of Australia, by Mount Isa Mining of Australia, by Britannia
Alloys & Chemicals, UK, and by Trident Alloys, UK, before becoming independent as Mazak Limited.
Today we are a member
of the HENEKEN group with headquarters in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Heneken Mazak s.r.o. is a direct descendant of the best traditions of zinc-alloys production from the United Kingdom. Our enterprise was established in Košice, Slovakia, in 2003 as a new investment and a subsidiary company of Mazak Limited, Bloxwich, UK, following visionary evaluation of growing industrial potential in Eastern Europe. The wisdom of this decision was proved in early 2009, when the UK plant ceased to exist whilst the Slovak plant continued production and has since invested and developed further, under a new name, parent and vision.
W e c o n t i n u e t o p r o d u c e u n d e r t h e g l o b a l l y w e l l r e p u t e d t r a d e - n a m e “ M A Z A K z i n c - a l l o y s ” .
MAZAK is a trade mark of quality zinc alloys. The New Jersey Zinc Company developed zinc-aluminium alloys in 1929. The origin of the MAZAK trade mark dates back to the early 1930s, when Morris Ashby licensed the New Jersey zinc alloy in Britain. They acquired the right to manufacture the alloy using electrolytically refined zinc available locally. This was given the name M A Z A K *) derived from the initials of Morris Ashby:
Morris Ashby Zinc Alloy Kastings.
We are proud that this trade mark, a synonym of high quality zinc alloys, has been in the possession of our company and its ancestors since the 1950s. We are committed to ensuring its good name and high reputation in the changing world of zinc-alloys production.
*) The other name of zinc alloys zamak is anacronym of the German names for the metals of which the alloys are composed:
zink (zinc), aluminium, magnesium and kupfer (copper).